I know many might have gotten me wrong based on the headline. You might be probably thinking I am against ladies having a relationship with single guys but married men.

Personally I detest such relationship very much, but then you can’t paddle the canoe of many people, we are responsible for our decisions in life.

When I mean ‘being in a relationship with a single guy’, what I mean is the fact that you shouldn’t be involved with a man who claims to be in a relationship with you but he still acts like he is single.

Many ladies only assume to be in a relationship, it’s all happening in their head, as the guy in question doesn’t see it the same way.

Why invest emotionally in a guy who claims to be in a relationship with you but do not act like one?

For you as a lady to be in this zone, you are exposed to the following?

Emotional Trauma: You will find yourself always in tears, asking questions, like why the emotion is just coming from you alone. And we both know this is not good for you at all.

Low Self Esteem: At this point, your self esteem tends to drop. You start feeling like you are probably not good enough for him or you start feeling there is something wrong about you.

Changing who you are: some ladies while trying to impress the guy to have a different thought about the relationship, they tend to change who they really are to who they are not, just to please him with the hope of getting his love.

Obsession: from just being in love with him, this can drive you nuts to obsession, that you become obsessed about everything about him. Before you know it, you are monitoring everything he does, who he talks to, his messages etc…and that can lead to hypertension when you see things that can be very disheartening.

Trust Issues: this can affect your next relationship as you might find it difficult in trusting the next person that comes your way.

To avoid being a victim of all this, when you find out it’s a one sided love, kindly opt out of that relationship, you deserve the best and someday someone deserving would find you.