Actress Moet Abebe okays sex on first date

Nollywood actress, Moet Abebe, has stated that there is nothing wrong with sex on the first date.

According to the Nigerian media personality, she is open to the idea because she has done it before and has no regrets.

In a recent interview which was hosted by Moet and a former Big Brother Naija housemate, Tolanibaj, the reality star asked, “Would you have sex on a first date?”

Moet replied, “Yes, why not? I have done it before. To be honest, I have no regrets. I don’t regret anything in my life. If I want you, I want you. And I’m also shameless.”

The actress also said she dislikes it when her friends suspect her of snatching their partners.

“I hate when women who are close to me think I want to take their man,” she said.