Comedian Ali Baba shared a picture of him kissing his wife, Mary at his January 1st Show. To the amazement of his fans, he didn’t downplay that behind that kiss were loads of family issues that the two of them must always conquer as couple.

He wrote “Someone will see this picture now and say this couple never fight. Meanwhile na our first kiss since 12midnight of New Year be that. Because of some small skoin skoin…”

He once talked about the success of their marriage “My wife has been the secret of our success story in marriage and God. She is the glue that keeps holding us together. She holds the home front, she also manages me. I am not the easiest  person to live with, considering the fact that I am an artiste and always on the move. 

She’s somebody who believes in firm planning. She likes to do everything according to plan. I am the kind of person that works on the fly and I think on the fly as well. But she finally began to make me to fall in line.  She’s a stabilising factor in my life”