PRESIDENT of the Senate, David Mark has tasked star pop singer, Innocent Idibia (a.k.a. Tu Face) to make himself a role model to youths.

Mark stated this when he played host to the music star, in his office at the National Assembly, in Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja over the weekend. He also charged all professionals, including artistes to use their respective talents to get Nigeria out of the woods.
In doing so, the President of the Senate urged professionals of all shades to be above board and be exemplary in order to remain role models for the younger people to emulate.

Urging Tu-Face to uphold the values of uprightness, discipline and industry that have propelled him to the top of music industry Mark said: “Continue to be exemplary, be a role model so that you can continue to impact positively on the younger generation”.

The National Assembly’s helmsman expressed his support for the singer’s forthcoming album billed to be launched in Abuja in March 26 and 27.

Idibia had requested Mark to endorse his new album which will be followed with a charity concert for the less privileged in the society. He promised that proceeds from the launch of the new album and the concert would be channeled to charity works, because, “I believe I should be able to give back to the society by helping the less privileged become better people tomorrow.”

Idibia therefore requested the National Assembly to consider defining roles for the less privileged and the physically challenged in the proposed amendment of the 1999 constitution. Such role, he reasoned, will give them a sense of belonging and make them contribute more positively to the society, instead of being forced to beg alms for survival which is the prevailing situation today.

The musician praised the President of the Senate for his mature, astute and hardworking approach to his National Assembly leadership task.