Sometimes, I pity Nigerian celebrities. To imagine that they cannot live their lives without being rumoured about! For whatever they do or fail to do, keke must ke. Na wa oh. I’m sure they must sometimes get tired of the perusing lens of the paparazzi and the probing questions of the reporters. Maybe that explains how Dakore Egbuson responded to questions about the absence of her boyfriend, Olumide Akande, at the just concluded Hip-Hop World Awards in Abuja.

Dakore, who stormed last year’s version of the awards with Olumide as her handbag, surprisingly came alone this year. Expectedly, this drew glances and murmuring. Soon, rumours started flying on why Olumide, Harry Akande’s son, refused to attend the award with Dakore. While some said he is outside the country on a business trip, others spoke of a quarrel between the two love-birds. There were so many versions of the same story anyway.

Trust pen-pushers, some reporters decided to ask her the question and pronto, they cornered her and fired the salvo at her. Apparently caught unawares, Dakore lashed back asking if she must go everywhere with Olumide. She asked the reporters what their business is with her relationship and capped it with a warning that she be left alone to live her life.

Uhmn! I saw it all happen. And unlike her detractors who giggled happily at her seeming discomfiture that day, I prayed silently to God to spare this beautiful lady who has brought so much laughter to many lips, a heart break this year. I know God will do what he has to do; it is just that I cannot stop worrying over what our sisters go through when a beautiful session like this ends abruptly. God, I still dey pray.