Popular comedian, Emeka Smith is one of the most creative rib crackers Nigeria has ever produced, as he is quite talented and different.

Many have been worried about the comedian’s disappearance from comedy events as he is neither seen featuring in a comedy shows nor staging his own comedy show.

Some where of the opinion his career was almost coming to an end and was properly the reason he is hardly seen In comedy events.

While different speculations have been going round about him, the comedian was busy strategising. In a recent interview, he disclosed that he is still very relevant in the industry.

Speaking more, he revealed that his reasons for not featuring in comedy shows are deliberate. He further disclosed that in the country we live in, when a celebrity disappears from the prying eyes of the public for a long time and reappears, attention, concerns are been given to that person.

 In his words: “I am still very relevant in the industry, many do not know that comedians don’t really get paid for featuring in comedy show, because  they mostly go to support their colleague. Just because I am not seen often doesn’t mean my career is going down, I get invites to weddings almost every week and I still make money. I am comfortable, I choose the show I attend, I have built my brand to a certain level that i should choose events to attend and even stage my own show for people to come support.”