Scandal-free and resolute, Rose Odika has been able to keep a public profile and a private life. The pretty Delta State indigene has been in the movie industry for the past 18 years with notable roles to her credit. In this interview with Sunkanmi Ogunade, she reveals why she has stuck to Yoruba movies and how she hopes to remain on top of her game but declines speaking about the man in her life.

How do you maintain your good looks?
I have been careful. Being an actress, you majorly work with your face and facial attitude; I strive as much as possible to maintain the good look. I eat good food and drink a lot of water. I just watch my skin and ensure I make use of good skin products. I need a perfect face to ensure I attract a lot of viewers to myself. In this industry, if you have the acting skill supported with a very good face, you will go a long way. It’s just as simple as that. Most importantly, all thanks to God in heaven who has protected me.

How did you become an actress
My names are Rose Odika, I am from delta state but I grew up in Ibadan, the passion started when I was in the secondary school. I was in the French/drama club, I was so attached to the club that I normally organised events that would involve everybody in the club. We would engage in competitions and in the end, the winner would walk away with a good prize. I actually developed myself with that platform and today, I am good with it. After that I proceeded to “Odu Themes” owned by Dr. Bode Sowande. I took up a soap. That was how I started. I was in UI in the theatre arts department when Mr Wemimo invited me for a Yoruba movie. That was how I started acting Yoruba movies.
I have been in the industry indirectly due to the course I studied which was theatre arts, I have been groomed by theatre practitioners and I know the rudiments already. I have also been trained by the Odu Themes group in the practical way; I had little or no problem. I was received warmly and I give glory to God again.

Many people believe that the Yoruba movies are better produced, do you subscribe to this?
I will say we have good hands. Most of these movie producers pick up less experienced actors and in the end, the whole production will turn out to be nothing to write home about. In the Yoruba world, there is nothing of such; it is so real that most of these actors have been groomed by experienced theatre practitioners. We produce films that lecture you on the facts of life. We don’t just load up the movie market with senseless films. We share stories that are real. People will love to see practical stories refined into a home video. The best actors are in the Yoruba industry, it is as simple as that.

Some movie stars are veering into politics, are you planning to?
I am into politics already. I am currently contesting for the post of the deputy governor, Oyo state chapter of ANTP
I am not coming into politics to embezzle money; I want to change the industry. The right things must be done, appropriate measures must be followed. I want to bring changes to the long term style. New hands are coming in to administrate in the new way. Ancient’s measures should be avoided.

What Challenges do you face?
The more you look, the less you see. The more you want to belong to a clique, the more some things move close. If you don’t have a group, you might not excel. If you are not in a caucus, it will be so difficult getting roles. I don’t belong to any caucus that is why when you see the likes of Funke Akindele, you see Yinka Quadri. The caucus thing is destroying the industry; it will continue to kill talents if something is not done about it. The fact that, no matter the years you have spent, your pay will still be stagnant. It’s painful and very discouraging. As an actor, you try your best on the set only to be given stipends after the whole show. That is just another challenge I face. Apart from that, it’s fun all the way.

Are you saying this profession is not financially rewarding?
Yes, if you don’t belong to any caucus, you will not get the roles not to talk of making the money. For the past 7 years, my pay has been the same. It’s not encouraging I must confess.

Is your husband supportive?
I don’t have a husband. I am a single mother. I have a daughter. Anytime I have a location call; my mother takes care of my sweet Oyinkansola. I am not always on the move. I have so much time for my family.

What happened between you and your husband?
I don’t want to talk about it at all.

What your view about politics in this country?
Well, I normally tell my friends whenever we talk, the country is divided into two parts and the president is not strong health wise, he is not fit for that task. That is not an excuse for things not to move on smoothly. Take for example, the governor of Lagos state, Babatunde Fashola is a man that other governors should act like. That the president is sick does not mean things should not go on smoothly. A lot of things are wrong in this country and come to think of it, the leaders are not planning to change the way they handle things. The whole fault is not on the president, the governors should do what is right and stop putting the whole blame on the president. I call what they practise in this country ‘poli-pocket’, All they know is to swallow money and send their children to the most expensive institutions of education in the world. I hope all will change one day and they will all come to realise that things should be done the right way.

You always dress smartly, its like you are a fashion buff
Fashion is in your mind, fashion is expressing yourself. I try my possible best to dress well. The industry I am in requires that I know fashion too well. Many fans also watch out for what you wear so that they can dress like you. People dress well to events and even when you watch our movies, you will come to discover that, the dressing sense has changed, the costume managers have actually stepped up and it’s all good news.

What are your projections for the future?
I see myself becoming a very big producer. Produce films of international standards and also project the good image of this country.

To the younger actors, they should stay focused and ignore anything that would discourage them and at the same time, they should make sure they get education which is the best legacy.