Shirley Frimpong Manso, the award-winning movie producer reputed to have ‘iron balls’, has said she is in no mood to tolerate critics who have opined that her 10-chapter ‘Adams Apples’ should have been just one movie.

Shirley has told NEWS-ONE she would not beg people to watch ‘Adams Apples’ and those who do not like the movie should simply not watch it!

Quite uncharacteristic of her, Shirley almost flared up when NEWS-ONE sought her view on the debate of whether or not ‘Adams Apples’ would have been better off as a single movie rather than a 10 episode series.

“I don’t know what to say to that. This is what I did. I can’t answer that question. People do a dress and make it short, they make it long, and they make it whatever. It is an art like somebody does a painting, you understand. It is from my point of view, if you like it, watch it.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it. I am not trying to please one particular person. People enjoy good entertainment, people will buy it and go home and watch it. I think people should stop asking the question and just let people enjoy what they are enjoying because it is what it is.

“It is a ten-chapter movie, may be next time we will do a 30-chapter movie. If it works, it works. It doesn’t, hey it is no big deal,” she said in a tone that clearly showed she was pissed off at the question.

She was speaking to NEWS-ONE in a short interview on Monday evening at the SilverBird Cinema after ‘Adams Apples’ chapter 4 was premiered for the media and sponsors.

‘Adams Apples’ chapter 4 has a lot of thrilling plots.

In the movie, Jennifer (Joselyn Dumas) plays the good friend as she accompanies Linda to a doctor’s appointment. She is rewarded with the charming Dr. Nate. Who knows, this gentleman just might be Mr. Right, instead of that school boy whom she believes “seems to have evaporated into thin air”. The vengeful Ivy (Helen Asante) however teaches Jennifer she might have spoken too soon, when she ambushes her with an unbelievable scandalous story.

An unplanned rendezvous the night before destroys Kukua’s (Naa Ashorkor) chances with Denu (John Dumelo), just as they are about to take the step that could wipe away the past and bring them together for good.

It’s hardly any easier for Mrs. Adams who struggles with her conscience, at war with all common sense and advice on keeping her long-buried secret hidden. The only one for whom things seem to turn out okay is Baaba (Yvonne Okoro), who is working things out with her eager husband. But wait, there’s a new arrival in town- and skeletons might just start falling out of the closet.

The chapter highlighted on some social issues including orgasm.

But Shirley said, “There is no real big thing going on in there. It is just pure entertainment. It is a movie and people are supposed to enjoy and people will have their own views on it and stuff like that. It is just a movie to enjoy.”

However, she said by the time the entire 10-chapter movie ended, one would realize that a lot of social issues had been dealt with.

According to her, “We will even talk about HIV Aids, same sex and things like that. It is all in there. It is not just about orgasm. It is about a lot of things that people talk about with their friends. Things that we sit and talk about: guy’s stuff, girl’s stuff and anything that captures our fancy.”

Asked if orgasm was really a problem and that was why she captured in her movie, Shirley said, “I think people have very unique problems in their relationships. I have met people who have issues like that. I have met people that have weird issues, so believe me, they are very unique issues in people’s relationships and people may not necessarily sit down there and talk about it but it is there. We’ve done our research.”