Penultimate week, Hip-hop music star, Eddy Brown Asiegbu, otherwise known as Eddy Remedies, surprised many when he granted an interview in a soft- sell magazine where he claimed that he had been missing his family.

In the interview, the former member of the defunct hip hop group, The Remedies, claimed that his present predicament was due to the crash of his marriage.

In a telephone interview with NFC, the talented musician, who confirmed the interview, also said, “I really want my family back. In fact, I am on my knees begging them now. I know I made a mistake to have allowed them to go in the first place, but it’s the handiwork of the devil.”

But in another telephone interview with his estranged wife, Kenny Saint Brown, a popular gospel singer, she simply said, “Eddy is out of my mind. I have so many things that are bigger than Eddy. Why don’t we talk about my album that was nominated in the Channel 0 Music Video Award?”