On saturday may 30,2009 at swe bar,those who saw ada dancing the night away could not help but stare with mouth wide as she danced and danced erotically with every male in sight(rapper M.I inclusive).

These olofofos swear that ada will win any dance competition that she enrols in with her dancesteps,they even suggest that she should go for salsa classes to make her dance steps world class.if you see/know adeze tell her to take it easy with the erotic dancing before she gives onlookers the wrong idea about who she really is.

she should remember that the forefathers say that”when one is doing the right thing everybody keeps quite but when you are on the wrong path,there is always a loud ovation tailing you”. adaeze beware of those cheering your dirty oops i mean erotic dancing!..’nuff said!