The Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) is receiving a lot of flak from some movie fans for not being resolute in their decision of banning Yvonne Nelson, Kofi Adjorlolo and Ekow Smith from starring in movies for certain stipulated durations. This criticism has been made on the premise that, the afore-mentioned actors, even though banned, still star in movies.

In a chat with Dobee who is the C.E.O. of Dobee Films, a monitoring leader for the film producers, a former secretary of president of the Film Marketer’s Association of Ghana, he stated that he will be happy if the media tries to reach them before publishing anything on the ban because film producers who have any of the supposedly banned movie stars in their movies have been asked to submit those movies for release date before the end of April.

Dobee also said that the media has not understood the ban. According to him, there is more to the ban which the media is oblivious of, and thinks they need to know in order not to misinform the general public.

In a separate interview with Socrate Safo, the Public Relations Officer for FIPAG, via phone, he confirmed that it was true the film producers had asked all the producers to submit movies that features Yvonne Nelson, Kofi Adjorlolo and Ekow Smith Asante, for release before the end of April, but it`s unfortunate that they were not able to even give out dates to all the movies which were submitted to them, so they are thinking about what to do to the other movies. He assured that at the right time they will come out with the date that all the movies in question will cease to be on the market.

When We asked if they were going to rescind their decision of ban considering the apologies that have come from the ‘wronged’ actors, he said they are considering that. Dobee is known in real life as Samuel Ampadu. He is the owner of the much-talked-about, supposed nudity-laden but yet-to-be-released movie ‘Deadly Obsession’. He declined commenting on controversies surrounding the movie and upon an agreement he had with Samuel Owusu titled the movie to be ‘Deadly Obsession’ and so he found it right not to talk about any movies that bears a different title.

He also revealed that ‘Deadly Obsession’ will be coming out this week but there are no nude scenes in it. “ What I can say is that the movie is mine and you can see my name on all the posters in town. I don’t know about any movie titled ‘Obsession’ and also in my movie Niki did not go naked, so may be David Owusu is talking about a different movie” he said.