Babies are indeed beautiful. One of the top Ghanaian actress,Kafui Danku  and her Canadian hubby, Douglas dedicated their beautiful daughter in St Peter’s Catholic Church Osu in Accra .

The baby whose name is ‘Baby Lorde’ looks so charming and as fair as the dad. The couple who had been married for 5 years had some conception issues until she was able to conceive Lorde who is her first baby.

She also did her thanksgiving too on the same day, a day that was supposed to bring her joy from friends and love ones including fans unfortunately when she posted the picture of herself, husband and the baby on the social media , she started receiving negative messages about her husband.

She could no longer bear the influx of the messages as she wrote to advise those behind it to stop because negatives do not work on her.

“Please stop sending screenshots of the negative comments. Please it’s enough.  I’ve seen and heard more positive vibes so enough of the negative ones already. Not everyone will agree with ur choices but it’s their opinion and they can keep it to themselves If they can’t be inspired…. (It’s no news though) Negative screenshots don’t work for me. Thank you,” She wrote.









