The Nigerian movie industry has come of age with many stars who have written their names in the sand of time.

We have decided to cast our minds back and on picking three stars, we want to know what you like them for and their best movies you have watched.

Let’s start with actor,  <b>Gentle Jack</b>, who is popular with kidnapping roles and stealing. He rarely plays the good guy role this could actually be as a result of him being muscular and his thick voice.

The next on the list is <b>Segun Arinze</b>. Everly ready to play the bad man role. Either he kills or he is a wife beater note, he is blessed with big eyes which can even scare a demon out of a bad woman.

Then third on the list is tall and talented actor, <b>Hank Anuku</b>. He looks gentle in real life but when on set, Hank knows he has to give in his best to prove he is worth the role. One unique thing about his acting is that he plays the bad guy but ends up having a soft heart when he is about to kill his subject and he allows them go free after begging.

I might be wrong though, but you can add yours and lets know how well you know your Nollywood stars.