Hello Beauty Angels,

Have you ever actually counted how many lotions and potions you use daily or even weekly or monthly? I’m sure you don’t even notice, you just get up take your bath and gets to rubbing.

Yesterday I was talking with my sister about what next to write about and she said “hey what about all those your little secret potions you have for everything”, with a raised brow am like “whatchu talking about Sylvi?” yea right… of course I know what she’s talking about, I have a million things for each part of my body that if I do decide to use every single one every single day after I shower I probably will take ages to get ready. Now it’s not like I actually need half of them or even use them, but am such a beauty and body addict that I get these products either to try or give to friends. My boyfriend describes my addiction as every beauty sales consultants dream client, lol, plus I love the fancy bottles and smells *battling lashes*… hey I can’t help it, and I’m sure a lot of you do too !

I have come across a lot of ladies that take forever getting dressed, especially my fellow African/Nigerian sisters, Wow! you ladies go all out on your beauty and fashion, Thumbs up to you girls! This reminds me of a joke comedian Jocelyn Jee said about some Wash and Go shampoo, she said something like this “oh no no… You cant just wash and go, I wash, rinse, wash again, rinse again, condition, rinse, steam, rinse, spritz, gel, spritz again, gel, set… then go… if it’s not raining! ” hahahaha very funny but true, isn’t it?

So a few of my little secret weapons to save the day and all that stress people go through.


For some ladies even taking a shower they have special soaps and scrubs etc may I say especially those of you that use all those “skin lightening/toning” products that has a special follow-up product from beginning to end. Guess I should be thanking God and my genes that I don’t need all that, no offense to anyone. I simple use a good cream soap and body wash, and then once a week or for a quick fix before a night out or simply rejuvenating my skin I’ll use my secret weapons, a “Bath & Shower Oil” and a “Detox Body Soak”. Body oils penetrate deeper into the skin giving it a more soft, subtle and well moisturized feeling, and if you use one with an aromatherapy effect it’s a plus to improve your mood, either to feel relaxed, de-stress, or revive. Detox Soaks helps reduce bloating, water retention, body cleansing and also used to detoxify normal body hormones such as thyroid and estrogen. Some bath oils and detox soaks have a toning effect too giving your skin a firmer smoother toned look. Did you know just adding 1-2 cups of Epsom salt to your bath 2 or 3 times a week is an excellent way of supplying the sulfate to help cleanse your digestive system and increase secretion like sweating out toxins from your body? bet you didn’t know that huh, now hurry and buy a bag of Epsom salt !

Here’s my fav products… Espa Detoxifying Bath Oil. Body Shop Moroccan Bath and Aromatherapy Associates.


A lil cellulite? my fav toning and firming contouring treatment for thighs and bums has to be Caudalie Contouring Concentrate, it helps to refine your silhouette and reduce the appearance of dimpled skin, helps elasticity, tone and even texture.

Stretch Marks? Then you have to try StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate For Existing Stretch Marks. A bit pricey but very worth it, a lot of people I recommended this for said it did reduce the lines and improved smoothness and firmness. I personally use this to keep my butt firm and smooth and for prevention.

Perky Busts For A Night Out? I gatchya ! Try Clarins Bust Beauty Extra-Lift Gel. Best described by the brand as “Think bra in a jar! The immediate “lift” effect, helps improve bust shape, while Vu Sua extract progressively enhances bust firmness”. I couldn’t have said it any better.

And my ultimate best quick fixes…. drum roll please….. Benefit’s Bathina “Take a picture it lasts longer” silky leg balm. what a name huh? I love Benefit products they are really what women’s products should feel and look like and they actually do the work, Love it ! For days am going to show off my legs I just lather this luscious balm on and Viola ! its silky even toned smooth, No need for stockings trust me !

And there you have it, a few lil things to cheer you up without spending hrs in the bathroom stressing and rubbing away… I shall add some more soon, maybe tomorrow we’ll talk hair, I would need a whole day coz Lord knows we don’t play with our hair. Lol

Take care my beauty lovers, thanks for your love and support.

Love always,
