Dear Tiwa Savage do something recommendable when she came out with the truth about her family’s problem? Some are giving her the kudos for standing for the family when her hubby, Tee Billz was not taking his responsibility seriously.

 However, some are saying that she had destroyed his career and life the more. Lets hear from oga Freeze speak about the tell-all interview of Tiwa.

He doesn’t have any wrong about Tiwa but he wanted her to have threaded with caution. “..Tiwa, I know it hurts when a relationship breaks down, and those accusations T Billz made were extremely hurtful, nonetheless, I believe you could have employed caution when responding, since according to you, he was unstable and suicidal… How are you going to tell Nigerians not to talk about issues you ‘used your own hand’ to make public? This could only serve to further delay your healing.

Even though my prayer is for your issues to be resolved and for joy to return to your home, the breakdown of a marriage is not the end of the world, I have been through it and my world did not end. However, do you realize that the interview you gave could lead to the end of TJ’s world? Who is now going to hire, work with, or have any business dealings with an unstable, adulterous, fraudulent, cocaine sniffer who cannot manage money and has his priorities misplaced? Whether you like it or not, that is what the interview has delineated him to be. In furtherance to this, if he was suicidal before, this interview is only going to make him even more suicidal!

I know you both love Jamil so in all this drama, let’s be very careful to shield him, as the Internet never forgets and his friends and classmates will always have his father’s tweets along with your interview as points of reference.”

The internet never forgets!