Tall, sexy and creative, Chika Ike-Ebireri joined Nollywood five years ago as an undergraduate. Luck smiled on her and she became a household name. Blessed with a husband, who doesn’t complain about her busy schedule and her romantic roles in movies, Chika loves life and all the good things of life. she confessed that marriage is not a bed of roses, although she enjoys hers. Excerpts:

How did you meet your husband?
“I met him just like every lady meets her soulmate. You can meet your soulmate anywhere, but I met him while I was at the University of Lagos where he came to broker some business deals. He hails from Sapele, Delta State. We got to know each other better after our first meeting. It took us time to finally come to terms with what we feel for each other. We have been married for three years now.”

How is marriage?
“It has been good. Marriage comes with its own challenges. Everyone experiences ups and downs once in a while. Marriage is not a bed of roses, but being able to understand each other and come to an agreement after a misunderstanding makes it very interesting.”

“His strength of character and the way he carries himself. His attributes thrill me and he is also a good man.”

When are you starting a family?
“Very soon, I will start having my kids. Hopefully, with God by my side, I will have the number I desire. I don’t want to have more than three kids no matter their sex. Whatever God gives me, I would gladly accept.”

What have you been up to lately?
“I have been working. I have been very busy and have not had any break lately. I enjoy it though because it is good to work.”

What do you love most about life?
“Just waking up each day and being alive is a gift from God, and it makes me happy. I love seeing people around me smile and when I am able to touch the lives of those around me also makes life worth living. Enjoying the good things of life makes me love life.”

What I don’t love about life?
“Life has a way of throwing things at you that you don’t expect. It brings things your way that shake you to your bone marrow. You have to shake it off to be victorious. I have learnt that when life throws negative things at me, I learn from it and move on. I don’t dwell on it for long.”

Any regrets?
“I don’t linger and dwell on my regrets. In life, you must make mistakes, you must have regrets. But you have to learn from your mistakes and move to the next level.”

Busy schedule and home
“It is not easy. My husband is very understanding because he understands the demands of my job. He has been able to help me wax stronger in my career. It is very challenging combining both responsibilities.

He has not complained about my busy schedule. I in turn do not take his understanding for granted. I know he has needs and I am not a wicked person. I try as much as possible to meet them so that I won’t appear selfish or ungrateful. I know when to draw the line when it comes to my husband and my home. Those two go together and are very important to me.”

Romantic roles
“Unfortunately, most of my roles are romantic ones. This is because the storyline in most Nollywood movies tell a love story because life evolves around love.”

How does your husband react to your romantic roles?
“He understands it is a job I have to do. Even if I have to kiss on set, he understands that I am an actress and have to do my job well. He knows I have to interprete my role well to the best of my knowledge. If I am someone’s wife or girlfriend on set, I have to convince viewers as such. It is my job and I have to do it with all seriousness. When I get off the set, I put off that character.”

Ideal marriage
“Marriage is all about compromise. Couples should take pains to understand each other while learning to do good all the time. There is no ideal marriage actually because we are all created differently. What is ideal for me, may not be ideal for someone else. Every couple must be God-fearing because if God is invited into a marriage, the marriage succeeds.”

When did you start acting?
“I started acting five years ago.”

What else do you do aside acting?
“I am a creative person, I love creating things with my hands. I love arts and crafts a lot. I like

designing accessories, drawing and painting. I am still learning how to make clothes.”

How do you relax?
“I listen to music. I read and sleep a lot too because of my job.”

Role models
“I look up to Liz Benson and Joke Silva. They are great actresses and have done well for themselves. The way they interprete their roles and give voice to every character they play, thrills me.”

“I am from a family of eight. I was once a model, but later took up acting, although I still love modeling. I love having fun and working at the same time. I love traveling. I modeled for two years but acting overtook that aspect of my life.

“I am a happy girl. I don’t allow things weigh me down. Even when I am not happy, I try as mush as possible to make myself happy. I love being happy for people around me and for myself as well.”