Though born in the ancient city of Benin, Omoni Oboli Sophie hails from Mosogar, Delta State. An amiable fellow, Omoni, at various times, held the positions of Head Girl (1994 set at Delta Steel Company Technical High School, Ovwian-Aladja); President, Literary and Debating Society; Editor, Press Club and President, French Club all in her secondary school. Between 1995 and 1999, she was at the University of Benin, where she studied Foreign Languages, majoring in French.

The lady, who has appeared in films such as Unfinished Business, Sweet Tomorrow, Entanglement, Jungle Ride, Figurine, Anchor Baby and others, is married to Nnamdi Oboli, and they have three kids — Tobe (6), Gozi (5) and Chizi (3).

She tells DANIEL ANAZIAwhat fashion means to her.

YOUR take on fashion and style

Fashion, to me, is about making a statement with what you’re putting on; being simple, at the same time, classy. Though I’m a fashion conscious person, my style is simple and elegant.

What is the secret of your beautiful looks even after three kids?

It’s hardwork. I do a bit of dieting and fitness on the side. I know a lot about keeping fit. In the evenings, I go to the gym. It may interest you to know that six weeks after my last childbirth in England, I used to leave my baby and go for one-hour power walk. I would be out there whether it was raining or snowing. Let me tell you one secret again: I wouldn’t touch cake even if my life depended on it. I don’t take sugary thing.

Favourite piece of clothing

I don’t have a particular preference; I’m only interested in something that fits my shape… you know, I like making statement with my clothes.

What would you not be caught wearing?

I really don’t know. I like experimenting when it comes to clothes.

What would you consider fashion flop?

Nothing!… One man’s meat is another man’s poison, so, the saying goes. Some fashion mistakes have gone on to become celebrated styles and many ‘crazy’ styles in my eyes in the past are now acceptable today.

Favourite colour

I have a penchant for red because it’s warm and bold.
Favourite designer?

I can’t name anyone. Nigeria is blessed with so many great designers and I love their creativity.

Signature perfume?

I’m having affairs with Romance by Ralph Lauren. I love its fragrance and it smells nice.
Most expensive fashion item ever bought and its cost value?

My designer bags, they are quite expensive.

Favourite food

I like a lot of local Nigerian dishes. I can’t think of anyone in particular as my favourite.



Where would consider as your choice travel and holiday destination?

The United States. It has different states with different things to offer.
What would you like changed in Nigeria, if given an opportunity to be ‘madam’ president?

The electoral process, it’s high time we started doing things right.

Do you believe in horoscope?

Absolutely no.