Vivian Ejike, a mother of one is the brain behind the movie Silent Scandals. This beauty and brains plans to be at the Oscars someday.
With a phobia for cockroaches, Vivian loves rice in any form it is prepared and is emotionally dependent. She told Daily Sun recently that she is happily single but still wants a man she would treat like a king. Excerpts:

“My name is Vivian Ifeoma Ejike, I am from Anambra State. I grew up in Enugu with bankers parents. I was also a banker before becoming a writer and a movie producer. I love writing, and love people watching my work. I was the youngest producer in Nigeria when I started in 1996 because writing is my first love and passion. I was still in school when I produced my first movie Golden Fleece. It was a blockbuster at that moment and I felt proud of myself. Although I completed my studies and worked in a bank for a few years, I was not fulfilled until I went back to my first love.”

Silent Scandals
“I shot the movie in March 2009. I produced the movie and edited it thoroughly because I wanted to do things differently. I experimented with Silent Scandals after going on a two-year-break. I researched thoroughly before making that movie because I wanted to come back with a bang after my break. It was my little experiment I got right although I had a few challenges.
“The movie taught me a lot and I am happy with the financial returns. I am grateful to God for that. For me, it was a beautiful experience. It was premiered in Ghana last year and I was humbled by the turn out at the venue. When it was premiered in Nigeria at the Silverbird Galleria, Victoria Island, Lagos, it also recorded a huge turn out. It took four halls to accommodate the crowd instead of the initial one booked for it. It was released last year December in Ghana and January this year in Nigeria.”

Life as a producer
I am happy because I love what I do. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. Although there was a time lapse which existed between when I started out and when I came back from my break, I was determined to make a change. I went back to study the movie environment. I watched movies and deduced what I wanted from those movies, taking also into consideration what I wanted to do differently in my movie.

“I have nine movies to my credit. What matters is the quality of movies you produce and how serious you are taken by people in the industry and the public as well.”

“Our environment makes it difficult to produce movies easily. It is very challenging to produce movies here due to power outages and many other hiccups. We are surmounting these challenges to make good movies.”

An accomplished producer?
“No. I have not started yet. There are many things I wish to do. I haven’t scratched the surface as far as I am concerned. I need to go to the Oscars too.”

A good movie producer
“You need to have an eye for details. You need to be result-oriented, hardworking, very determined and focused as well.”
Are you considering acting too?
“No. I am a shy person and I don’t see it happening. I prefer to be at the background and make all the changes when it comes to movie production.”

What is your phobia?
“I hate cockroaches. They scare me to death. While I was growing up, our househelp ignored my pleas for her to kill a cockroach on the floor while I was eating on the dining table. I stood on that table till my parents returned from their party. My siblings ignore me when I scream each time I see a cockroach, they even laugh at me.”

Are you married?
“I am divorced. I was married and I have a daughter from my first marriage. I am happily single and wish to remarry soon.”

What kind of man appeals to you?
“A man who has a good sense of humour. I joke a lot, and whoever would be by my side would be patient enough to understand my sense of humour. A patient man, as well as one who understands I am a workaholic. I want a man I will treat like a king and he in turn would treat me like a queen. He must also be a hardworker.”

How do you relax?
“I have a group of friends that I go clubbing with. I love travelling when I am not working. I enjoy the company of loved ones and friends and I also love watching movies.”

Role models
“I admire Oprah Winfrey and hope to fill her shoes. I look up to women who have accomplished and wonder how they do it. They inspire me to move on even when I am facing intense challenges and feel discouraged.”

Favourite food
“I will eat rice in any form. Anyhow rice is cooked, I will savour it.”

“I love truthful, honest and straight-forward individuals. People who would cover your back when things get tough for you. I am a very blunt person and tell the truth no matter what happens. I also enjoy the company of outspoken people, individuals who trash issues as they come.”

“I dislike backstabbers. I don’t want to be anywhere close to people who laugh with you in your presence and stab your back. It is appauling to me, it happens a lot in the movie industry these days and one has to be very careful. Although it has not happened to me because I have met nice people in the industry, but it exists. It doesn’t also mean that there are no good individuals, it means you have to be careful when making friends.”

Describe yourself
“I am an emotionally dependent person. I am a hard worker and I also love to meet people. I am openly minded and straight-forward.”

Future plans
I hope to have kids and I aspire to be the best in what I do, especially in making quality movies that would make Nigerians to be respected in The Diaspora.