Upcoming musician Betni Uba believes that music is food to the soul, so does his music enriches people. Uba said that he got his stage name Bills because in life, he cannot do without paying bills on items that he wants to acquire or purchase

Uba recently signed a two-year mouth-watering deal with Victorious Open Doors Investment Company on his second album, a 16-track album entitled Intuition. Uba spoke on how he came into music, his source of inspiration, role models, piracy, future plans among others.

Coming into music
I started music professionally in 2006, although I had the love for music when I was young. I established my first studio in 2006 which threw me into the music industry. On the stable of Bently Hills Records. I released my debut album in 2007 entitled No Talk, a 12-track album. My kind of music is Hip-hop because it is danceable and it is widely appreciated by my fans. My music is both for the youths and the young at heart.

My stage name, Bills
I see myself paying so much bills on almost everything. In this world, we cannot do without paying bills because this world is not free. I then decided to make my stage name Bills because in this world, one cannot do without paying bills.

My main source of inspiration is God. My immediate environment is also another source of inspiration. When I am in a serene environment, I do get inspiration.

Role model
My role model is Tuface Idibia. He is original in his songs and has been able to take Nigerian music to a greater height in the international community. After listening to one of his songs, Grass to Grass I was inspired and I was able to write some of the tracks in my first album.

The messages in my songs are all about love, unity, peace and progress. I believe with love we can do a lot of things in the society and create a better society. One of my tracks is dedicated to Nigeria, depicting that we are intelligent in whatever we do.

The deal
I received a call from the company and they told me that they had accessed my music and it is something that they can market. We will start with 15million and they gave me their terms of conditions that I would release another album before the end of 2011. I was happy when I was told about the deal because what I have suffered over the years in the studio has finally paid up for me. Also, I was given a Lexus jeep, a three bedroom flat as part of the deal.

In my next album, I hope to collaborate with Mr Incredible (MI), Wande Coal and Tuface Idibia. Although in my current album, I did a collaboration with Mr Smith from Liberia, Mad Mellion of the Danfo Drivers, Ozy, Many-Many among others.

Piracy also assist artistes because it gets the music promoted. Although I’m not in support of piracy because it is a criminal offence but in the present situation in the country, it helps the artistes to get their works promoted to other parts of the country.

My fans
Music is my business and I have a focus and I don’t want distractions from female fans and my priority list is to make my family happy. My female fans do not love me because of the way I look or walk but because of the kind of music I play. This is a free world and my policy in life is to keep my family first in whatever I do.

Future plans
I want to have a record label that will be recognised worldwide. I want to promote young artistes that will be successful in their musical career. I want to win a Grammy award in future.