Ghanaian star actress, Jackie Appiah has made a donation of food items, drinks and toiletries to the inmates of the Chosen Rehab Center in Accra, as part of her belated birthday donations to the needy in society, and her Christmas celebrations.

The actress, who has decided to identify a group of needy people to celebrate her birthday with, each year, was unable to do so this year because on her birthday she was filming in the Gambia. As such, she decided to make her donation to the Chosen Rehab Center, at the Achimota-Abofo road on Christmas Eve to bring joy to the inmates this festive season. Last year she spent her birthday with the children of the Dzorwulu Special School.

She explains her reasons for chosen the rehab centre for her donations: “Christmas is a time for giving and sharing and most importantly for me, it is a time for second chances. Because I believe Jesus was born at this period so he can bring hope to the world and save us from our sins and iniquities. I believe this is what Chosen Rehab Centre does for the society; giving hope and rehabilitating drug addicts, alcoholics and the homeless.”

She added that no one deserves to live under any of the above situations, and she called on Ghanaians to give a helping hand to those who unfortunately find themselves living under those circumstances. In a touching encounter for the actress, Jackie saw a former member of her church and a young man who acted in a movie with her a while back, both receiving help at the centre.

Chosen Rehab Center is a non-profit NGO that provides free boarding facilities to rehabilitate drug addicts, alcoholics, street kids and the homeless. During rehabilitation, inmates are not allowed to leave the facility, and all their needs are taken care of by the organization. The center also embarks on outreaches to slums, hospitals and prisons to cater to affected individuals by donating food, water, medicines, bibles, clothes and ministering the word of God as well. The ones that are willing to give up their addictions are ushered into the rehab.

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