Sexy screen diva, Yvonne Nelson is one of the best interpreters in the Ghanaian movie industry.

In a recent interview, she opens up on her purported ban from the movie industry.

Excerpts from the interview;

some couple of months back you alongside Koffi Ajololo were banned from acting. What was the cause?

Like you said you heard, the same way you read it on the internet, some heard it on radio.

Nothing of such happened to me.I don’t know about Koffi Ajololo, nobody informed me of such.

There’s no official letter sent to me to inform me of it. I also read it on the internet. I’m not even aware of any ban.

I have been working in Ghana and Nigeria.So, where is the ban?

And if people want to know there are people at my back because I had an issue with a producer (Abdul Sallam Mumuni) on set and we have settled it.

So, where is the envy coming from? I believe it is a colleague of mine who just wants me out of the way. And there is so much envy going on right now in the industry because of people who want to be there to shoot a thousand movie in one month.

How has all these allegations affected your career?

I’m the hottest girl right now. With what they say and write about me; people are calling and queuing for jobs.

There are scores of scripts begging for my attention.So.i don’t think anything has affected my career. It has helped me.

Some people don’t even know whom I was when I was nominated as the best actress at the Ghana Music Video Award.

The World Bank gave me some money for my foundation. Whatever they write about me either positive or negative has helped my career.