There is no doubt that Lola Alao is one of the talented actresses in Nigeria, especially in the Yoruba movie circle. But then, not many would deny that she is one of the most talked about actresses in terms of scandals.

Not too long ago, news of her impending wedding to a certain man made the headlines and many people were eagerly waiting for the D-day. But the wedding was postponed indefinitely. It was alleged Lola‘s estranged US-based hubby, Dare Ogulana, said the actress was still legally married to him, thus she did not have any right to get married again.

And really, Dare called Life and Beat from New Jersey, USA and stated why he stopped the wedding. ”I don’t know where it is done in this country that a woman should be married to one man and get married to another without divorcing the first husband. She didn’t tell me she wanted to get out. I didn’t know she wanted to get married to another person. I only read it in the papers that Lola Alao was getting married and I was shocked.”

Dare said that if Alao had asked for a divorce, he would have granted it. “She has really insulted me by making plans to get married to another person while she is still married to me. It is a slap on my face. We wedded in a registry, so I think it is only proper that she gets a divorce before thinking of marrying again. She should not feel she has the right to do anything just because she is a celebrity. If she wants a divorce, I will let her go but not for her to go and get married behind my back while she is still legally married to me.”

Asked whether they had been having marital problems, Dare said, ”We have been married for some years now. Initially, I was coming home regularly. But for some time, I have not been able to do that and she knows the reason. She knows I am not ready to relocate to Nigeria now because I have to iron out somethings. A lot of people told me that Lola is the kind of person that would stick with you when things are smooth but would leave you when they get rough. I didn’t believe them. But now, I can see that what they told me about her is very true. She is not a for-better-for-worse wife material. If I know the person she wants to get married to now, I will definitely tell him that.”

When Life and Beat called Lola on the phone to get her side of the story she said, ”I am not ready to say anything. Let God be the judge. No comment.” When reminded of comments attributed to her in other papers, she said she had never spoken to any journalist about the matter.