Wonders  indeed shall never end. A man whose wife has been waiting upon God for the fruit of the womb for five years was given a very strange instruction from a man of God.

The man disclosed that his wife was told by the man of God to bath nak*d with salt and water before him for two weeks because that is the only solution to her problem of barrenness.

He also added that he would leave the wife to stay in the church within that period of the purification. He said that he and his wife has encountered alot pressure from family. They have done alot of animal sacrifices and entered alot of places all in the name of seeking a child.

The man said that he was confused and does not know if he should obey the instruction given him by the man of God.

Anyway, any instruction given by any man of God that contradicts the scripture should not be adhered to. To truth remains that he that waits upon the Lord shall never be put to shame.