The likes of Ken Nnamani will not accede to the statement credited to a group – the Akwa Ibom Interest Group (AIG) – shortly after Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida declared in Abuja to contest the 2011 presidential race. The group said through its President, Sylvanus Ukpong that: “When Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida’s interest to contest the 2011 presidential election in Nigeria became a major political issue in the media, most Nigerians were still in a state of denial because it was difficult to accept the ugly possibility that the former military dictator could dare Nigerians once again, 17 years after annulling the June 12, 1993. We had thought, albeit wrongly, that the former military president would succumb to the numerous voices of wisdom that has cautioned him against seeking election…”

Ken Nnamani is a revered politician in Nigeria. He garnered this integrity during his days as a stoical Senate President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, under the administration of ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo. But his definition of the 2011 poll on 15th September 2010 at the declaration ground of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida calls for sober reflection of where this once respected dude is veering to.

Did Nnamani warn that the change the country desires will not come if as a people today, we let political offices be decided by a fair primary and the open ballot, to determine the popular will of the people? But, someone should tell him that if it is boldly written in section 7(2) C of the People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) Constitution that the principle of power rotation is the true essence of “the federal character” which is captured in the 1999 Constitution section 153, we don’t need such rotation of power and zoning of public offices for inclusiveness, peace and stability of this country, but individuals who can move Nigeria forward irrespective of ethnicity.

It is coming too late that Nnamani and gang are parading themselves as democrats, and a lot of Nigerians are asking where they were during the wicked days of Babangida and the now late Sani Abacha reigns. We could have said that Nnamani is clustering around Babangida because of hunger if he had not held an exalted seat as that of Senate President. The way Nnamani is going about the Babangida electioneering thing, he would not have allowed Nigerians participate fully during the upcoming general election by registering and casting their votes, so that Babangida would whenever and wherever show his rigging prowess with our looted money and his looting face.

Nnamani has provoked the executive members of all branches of Nigerians to organize against him now and his Babangida; if not that Nnamani it well read, one could have said that he is becoming an idiot capitalizing on the misdeeds of Babangida to say that Nigerians should respect the PDP’s zoning formula. Who is Babangida, if not for democracy?

Like somebody said: “Thank God for democracy. IBB will traverse the length and breadth of Nigeria canvassing for votes. He will contest primary with a sitting president and if he wins, will begin another round of campaign with other candidates for votes in the general election. If after all this he wins, then I solemnly pray that fate will deal him the same deal he gave to M–K–O. Call it wishful thinking, but I will call it my belief in retributive justice. Maybe at that time the eyes of you guys who did not see anything wrong with what this man has done to our psyche as Nigerians will open. All I wish him now is God speed.”

If not for the global bill of the rights created to enable some people who are now occupying the seat of sub-humans like Nnamani to air their views, his likes are jailed in Europe, or in China, shot for being a part of Obasanjo’s government of largesse.

Nnamani forgot among all the sundry of Babangida deeds, when he was Head of State, that he used the resources of the Niger Delta to erect his Minna evil mansion. Nnamani didn’t remember that to say something in favour of Babangida is capable of hunting generations upon retrospection of the evils of Babangida. If not that Nnamani is rich, one would have said that he is supporting Babangida, so that he could have the right to owning a new motorcycle.

This writer learnt that there is something that has become very obvious in the last few days: there are paid agents from Babangida responding to posts on virtually all the online blogs and papers. Is that true? Nnamani perhaps, falls in this category by defining the 2011 poll for Nigerians. The wise are better off to ignoring him, but we should not, because we have to bring back home the lost sheep.

However, is the conscience of Nnamani dead? – as many Nigerians think the conscience of this man called Babangida is dead, too. Nnamani should think twice if Babangida is a devil going to hell but must carry people like him, Odilli and Dokpesi, and other ‘evil geniuses’ along?