She looks stunning like an Egyptian goddess! Nse Ikpe Etim stunned in her regal campaign while she took our breath away during the photoshot for Nichole by Haguanna jewelry line.

 We hardly recognized her in this outfit. Nse came into prominence in 2008 for her role in ‘Reloaded’ and has featured in numerous films across her career spanning almost 20 years.

Guess what Nse is missing “I miss being anonymous. I miss not having to be so guarded. Fame is a heavy cross, yes the perks make it pleasurable but the demands on you and the loss of privacy are sometimes difficult to live with. However, I chose this career, so I deal with the consequences; good or bad.”

Her mum was your mentor and there are things that always make her remember her “ My mother is the strongest woman I know. She was a rock for my siblings and I, she still is. She was always there for us, no matter the situation ,you knew you could always run to mum.”

What do you think of this amazing campaign? Nse really played out in this campaign starting with her makeup to the outfit that she chose for this picture.





