The oldest Nollywood bachelor, Steve Eboh popularly known as Ajeboh from Oji River Local Government area of Enugu State recently had a secret but mysterious marriage. The 46 year-old Nollywood actor was said to have met his wife last month in London in one of his events’ trips with Chiyere Wilfred.

The holy solemnization which came like a shock and surprise to the entire guests, we gathered, was a very secret and low profiled one to the extent that even the guests who were supposed to be pre-informed about the event they were attending didn’t get any idea of it until the family of the bride addressed them as ‘our in laws’ before they now realized what they were in for.

Having presented some Kolanuts, goat and palm wine as tradition demands, Steve was supposed to, at least, see the woman whom he came to pay her dowry but the family of the bride, insider informed us, shielded their daughter from the entire crowd. The bride was unavoidably absent due to reasons best known to Steve and the family of his new In-Laws. We shall update you more on goings as event unfold.