Some Nigerian celebrities have finally gone mad! They just have to be mad because there are not many ways to describe the violent outbursts we have experienced from these guys in the past week.

Oritsefemi’s Stab Victim

The first celeb that went mad was singer, Oritsefemi, who sauntered into a luxury night club without a reservation, got the establishment to get him a seat in the VIP and repaid their hospitality by stabbing their security in the eye, narrowly missing his victim’s eyeballs. And instead of immediately recognising the error of his ways like sane people do and apologise accordingly, he doubled his ‘wahala’ by lying in his initial accounts, before mocking our sensibilities by doing a belated photo op on a sick bed. Celeb Police finds the artiste’s behaviour in the episode disappointing and unbecoming of the real word ‘celebrity’ because they are supposed to be people that are celebrated and there is absolutely nothing worthy of celebrating about people who go about breaking bottles and stabbing people.

DJ Humility Protesting At The Airport

Then there is the case of DJ Humility, who also lost his head and joined other frustrated Arik Air passengers in holding the airline’s staff hostage for delaying their flight from Kaduna to Lagos. Granted, it is an unpleasant experience when you book a 2pm flight and it is delayed till around 12am on the following day but taking laws into your hand is not a culture we want to be promoting or celebrating in the Nigeria of our dreams. Imagine the scenario if every time people’s flight got delayed, they just go haywire and start holding airline staff to hostage. We would just have a banana republic on our hands and we definitely don’t want that.

Barely 24 hours after the DJ (Not-So-Humble) Humility scenario, another footage emerged online of singers, Peeshaun of Skuki fame and rapper, Jesse Jags, causing a major scene at Abuja Airport after Dana Airline delayed their flight. Peeshaun especially was seen in the footage jumping up and down like one ‘Van Damme’ that was going to beat everyone up. Some of these guys need anger management therapy because there are definitely a thousand and one better ways he could have made his complaint and have his voice heard without shouting all over the place like a desperate Lagos conductor.

It is quite natural that as humans, sometimes we lose our cool. For instance, when Olamide lost his head at the last headies and started throwing expletives at the awards organisers and even Don Jazzy, on national TV; many Nigerians found it funny and brands even keyed into the ‘it was a hit back to back‘ slang, and used same for their ad campaigns. But going overboard with our emotions is never acceptable in any civilised or cultured society and that brings us back to the question that Celeb Police is yet to find an answer to; ‘When did our stars become hooligans?’