It’s no news anymore that Ajoke is no longer married to this top industrialist, Alhaji Rasaq Akanni Okoya due to infidelity allegation on her part. It’s also a known fact that one out of the three children was rejected, the last child, by this property merchant whose loving daughter is called Biola.

Well, the story may still be looming somewhere, the reason is because the second child Ajoke had for RAO as the shrewd business mogul is fondly called, Idris has a questionable character that is making a lot of people wonder if the guy is RAOs truly. The character displayed recently at his dad’s 70th birthday shindig at their palatial edifice in Ajah area of Lagos recently proved all insinuations concerning his paternity right.

Idris, we learnt, displayed an uncultured act at a when his dad pals were said to have occupied some seats and Idris out of nowhere surfaced and ordered them to vacate the seats for him and his friends because the seat were meant for him. The ‘elders’ ignominiously vacated the seats and Idris called upon some mean-looking guys and some girls too who occupied the seats and started smoking like chimney and drinking cognac like fish drinks water.

He was later said to have boasted that he bought his wine for N50, 000 and some old cargos now wanted to ruin his day. Imagine that!
Anyway, I think his father should go for DNA test to determine the through paternity of this son who is in his late twenties and schools in one of the citadels of higher learning in Lagos. More story about him after this timeout.