American actress and singer , Lindsay Lohan who began her modeling career at the age of 3 has converted to Islam and she is been given a warm welcome by the Muslim community who are very happy with her decision.

She went to her social media page to delete every photo leaving nothing but her profile picture and a bio that now reads: ‘Alaikum salam” an Arabic greeting which means “ and unto you peace”.

She has also flushed her tweeter account except for a tweet which reads “Please let us all come together and love each other,” that she left behind.

It was learnt that she was sighted with Quran in 2015 while doing a community service in Brooklyn. When she was interviewed on Turkish talk show Haber Turk later year she said that it was a gift from her Saudi Friend.

Some said that her conversion has a connection with the help she rendered some refugees. She is yet to disclose if she has finally joined the faith.
