Nigerian veteran rapper, Eldee ‘The Don’, took to Instagram to announce the demise of his mum.

The rapper who has been getting consolation messages from family, friends and loved ones, captioned the photo he shared;Veteran rapper Eldee loses mum lailasnews 1

Rest well mom. ????❤️❤️❤️??

Recall that Eldee in an interview with Vanguard in 2011, said his mum who was a banker, supported his music career, paid for everything right from the studio sections to the recordings, equipment and studio office.

Here are excerpts from the interview Eldee granted;

What was growing up like for you?

Growing up was alright. I came from a relatively average background. My mother worked in a bank and my father was an Engineer. It was fun growing in Kaduna because the place was quiet and without stress. And I think growing up there helped me develop my creative skills.


My father was very strict while my mother was laid back and it helped create a balance. The kind of values I was raised it where the conservative one. As a matter of fact, I was very naive until I got to Unilag. Like when I was in secondary school, my mother used to drive me to parties and wait outside till everything was over. I guess she understood not allowing me to run wild. But my grades right from primary to secondary school were very good, I was an all-A student. So, she didn’t really have an excuse for not letting me do other things. She was the one who paid for everything right from the studio sections to the recordings, equipment and studio office.