Shan George exonerates Nollywood of causing societal decay

Veteran actress, Shan George, has stated that Nollywood is not the cause for the moral decay presently going on in the society.

The actress, who recently cried out over the activities of some scammers which made lose a huge sum of money, stressed that the role of Nollywood is to mirror the society.

She said, “There is growing decadence in society these days, but I don’t understand Nollywood’s part in it. We make movies that relate to what’s happening in our environment. Also, when making movies, we show the wrong things and letter the viewers know the consequences of doing good or bad. It is then up to individuals to discern right from wrong. I have watched movies about drugs, but that did not make me to start taking drugs. Things affect people differently. Blaming Nollywood entirely for the decay in societal values is unfair, because the industry is only projecting what is happening in society. It is left for people to see what is happening, and make their choice. It is all about morality at the end of the day.”

Speaking on how the current state of affairs in the country affects her as a filmmaker, she said, “The state of the country is affecting me in different ways. Indeed, there is a long list. In some countries, the youth receive a stipend to support them, but that does not happen here. Another thing that affects me as a filmmaker is the fact that many platforms that are meant to help sell my works don’t function in Nigeria, and are not monetised in this country. That makes it hard to recoup one’s investments in producing movies.”