Prolific movie producer, Obi Emelonye was arrested in Ikeja area of Lagos State on Monday while trying to take aerial shots of the city. The producer of ‘Mirror Boy’ and ‘Last Flight To Abuja’, disclosed on his Facebook page about this.

“[I have] just been arrested with my team from the UK by Lagos TV for taking aerial shots of Lagos around Shoprite Ikeja; using remote helicopters. As a media house they should understand what we are trying to do. But they want to put me in jail for making Lagos look great. I am resigned to my fate and allowed God to take control. Challenges we face in trying to grow the industry. Pray for me and pray for Nigeria,” he said on Facebook on Monday.

Meanwhile, the UK-based Nigerian filmmaker has been released. “We have just been released by Lagos state governor’s security detail after an ordeal that has embarrassed me more before my guests than it hurt me. We thank God and I am grateful for your kind support. God bless you all,” he said via the same platform.

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