Kevin Luciano is the Boss of Questionmarks, a foremost entertainment outfit, which was once the most celebrated in the industry. It used to boast of the best acts in the country. Nigerian/French star, Asa, multiple award winning rapper, Mode, and Cobhamms, were all on the label.

Unfortunately, the label’s fortune nosedived and they lost all their top stars, including Street monks, a promising Dancehall group. It is on Kevin to rebuild his fallen empire, or the name perishes forever. In recent times, the label seems to be making moves which are visible. Is Question marks on the rise again? The C.E.O spoke on phone from South Africa with Hazeez Balogun

Your label has been active in the past few years but you have not been in the limelight? It’s like you don’t want to be seen?
I made a career decision that came from the part of me which wanted to shun the limelight.

What is new with Question marks?
We have recently signed on three new acts to the Questionmark stable, Harrisong , D’Supremes & Ego. We have also launched the Questionmark Online Magazine since the past few months now and we are very happy with the mileage we have gotten back so far.

We heard you will be having a concert in Kenya. How true is that?
We are partnering with an entertainment outfit in Kenya to showcase Nigerian Artistes and Celebrities later this year. It’s going to be something big though we are trying to keep mum on it for now, since our major sponsors will like to keep it that way.

We heard you are starting a label in South Africa. What do you hope to achieve?
Questionmark Entertainment Ltd Nigeria have just merged with a South African Entertainment outfit known as Triple Need Entertainment in Johannesburg two weeks ago. We hope to archive synergy and collaboration between South African Artists and Nigerian Artists. There are a lot we hope to achieve. The industry there is vibrant and we hope to study the ground before we play our cards.

Are you there to promote South African music or Nigerian musicians?
Our main objective is to promote Nigerian Music and also Music from other countries in Africa. We are building the company into an international one. In that light, we will be promoting any good artiste we deem fit to work with. We are not bothered by the country an artiste comes from. So it is not all about South Africa or Nigeria.

Is it only music production you will be doing?
We will be involved in Music and TV Production as well as other business that I cannot disclose to the public now.

So which artistes are you working on now?
For now, it is only our Nigerian artistes we are working on. They are fresh and are already making an impact, so we are building on that. We are also working on a few collaborations, you’ll find out soon.

On a personal tip, why is a fine young man like you yet to marry? Are we to see you walking down the isle soon?
I have not been able to find my better half yet as they say God’s time is the best. I am in a relationship at the moment and who knows it might walk me down the isle soon.

Will you say South Africa is a more conducive environment for business?
A conducive environment for business can be anywhere depends on what kind of business.