Why I took a break from acting – Bukky Wright

Veteran Nigerian actress, Bukky Wright, has opened up on why she took a break from acting for several years.

According to the Nollywood star, who bagged a degree in Information Security in the United States, she had to put a pause to her acting career to tend to her children.

Describing the connection between her kids and her, the actress said she lives for her children.

“I just felt like doing something else for myself. I decided to go back to school and, you know, put my hands into something else. I’m happy I did. Now, I can boast that I’m a cybersecurity analyst. I’m certified in Information Security in the United States. 

“It felt good to at least try something out and go out of my comfort zone. I have always been somebody who would always go out of my comfort zone. I don’t believe in impossibilities. At the time that I left, I had to leave because my children needed me more. I’m a mother and I would always say that I live for my children. My children needed me and I had to be at their beck and l call. 

“You know there is always a time in the life of a mother that your children need you the most. And when they need you the most, you have to show up for them. That’s what I did, and I did not want to waste that time doing nothing, career-wise. So, I challenged myself. I challenged my children as well. Sometimes they’re like, ‘Mom, do you want to be a professor or what?’ Having gone back to school, trying a different career path, and becoming a professional in another field,” she said.