This is the story of 2 actresses who currently don’t see eye-to-eye. It is the story of star actress, Fathia Balogun and an upcoming Yoruba actress called Peju Ashaye. As you read this both of them don’t talk. Their rift is over Corporate Picture Boss, Alhaji Rasak Abdullahi. Koboland News reliably learnt that the war has been on for over a year now. It began when respected movie marketer decided to play up Peju Ashaye in his movies. At that time Fathia saw this as an attempt by Peju to upstage her, having been romantically linked with her for about 3 years now.

Their romance became more pronounced when Saidi Balogun and Fathia Balogun separated after a few years of union which gave birth to 2 kids; Khaleed and Haliya. Since the duo separated they have since gone their ways and moved on with lives as professional actor and actress respectively. While Fathia has refused to remarry, Saidi on his own got engaged to his London based lover, Omoh. That Fathia and Peju are not on good terms became clear when the duo were involved in a war of words over Corporate Picture Boss. The cold war developed to the extent that it took leaders of the Yoruba Theatre industry to call both parties to order after alleged threat call on their mobile phones.

Contrary to expectation that Peju and Fathia would sheath their swords, the duo has continued to make moves which indicate war and disaffection. The reason for this is that Fathia has it on good authority that Alhaji Abdullahi has soft spot for busty dark complexioned Peju who got into the movie industry about 5 years ago.

This makes their negative disposition to one another evident at movie locations. Our source said further, the relationship between Fathia and Peju can simply be described as that of cat and mouse. They both avoid each other at movie locations even when they separately greet other colleagues and avoid each other like plagues.

Peju has continually denied being threatened by Fathia or having any affair with the respected accountant turned movie marketer. While there are strong indications that Alhaji Abdullahi and Fathia may not be as close as it were.

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