A flood of negative reactions have trailed the bid of Nollywood star, Eucharia Anunobi, to land a N100 million divorce settlement from her estranged husband, Charles Ekwu.

For her multi-million naira demand from the father of her eight-year old son, scores of readers who commented on an earlier story run by https://www.nigeriafilms.com on the divorce suit now before a Lagos High court, had very harsh words for the star actress.

One of the readers, Olajide Ojo remarked: “Eucharia, one thing I want you to know is that money doesn’t give joy. It seems you are too much in love with money and money is nothing compared to joy. It is better you make your way right with God now before it will be too late for you.”

Another comment by Yomi read: “This has really shown that the basis of her marriage is money and not genuine love,” while Emma, in his remark, asked sarcastically: “Is the N100 million a ransom?”

However, in a somewhat mild remark, another reader, Oluyemi, said: “I hope all goes well for UK (Eucharia) and her son. I am a mother myself and I could imagine what she’s been through.

“But is N100 million not too much? I will advise her not to be an opportunist, but to be a reasonable woman,” advised Oluyemi.

Meanwhile, the troubled actress appears to have backpedaled on her divorce settlement demand from her husband, Ekwu as she told Justice Elfreda Dawodu-Williams of the Ikeja High Court yesterday that all she wants now is dissolution of their marriage, sole custody of their son and whatever the court deems fit as settlement sum.

Eucharia had prayed the court at the last sitting to compel her husband who appears not interested in the suit, to pay her N100 million as divorce settlement sum for all the trouble and hardship she had gone through while taking care of her sickle cell patient son since his father ‘dumped’ them.

Since the case began, Eucharia’s husband, Ekwu who is believed to be living abroad has not shown interest in the matter either by putting up appearance in court or making comments.

When https://www.nigeriafilms.com News broke the news of Eucharia’s divorce settlement demand last week, it elicited harsh comments from the reading public. That perhaps informed why Eucharia suddenly at the court yesterday modified her claims.

“I want dissolution of my marriage which has broken down completely; I want sole custody of my son, Raymond Joshua Chinonso Chimaobi Ekwu. Also, I want compensation for maintenance of myself and my son as the court deems fit in that regard,” the actress prayed the court.

Her sudden change of mind is in contrast with her initial demand that the court grant her the sole custody of the only child of their marriage and N100 million compensation for all expenses borne by her after the husband reportedly abandoned their matrimonial home.

While being led in evidence by her counsel, Michael Nwana earlier, she told the court on 3 June this year that she and her husband got married on 20 December, 2000 at Ikoyi Registry but the marriage which produced a boy, Raymond Chinonso Ekwu, broke down in 2006.

According to her, “The marriage has broken down because in 2006 when we had a misunderstanding on his infidelity because I caught him with our 13-year old housemaid and when I raised eyebrows, he moved out of our matrimonial home and till now we have not heard from nor seen him”.

“It has not been easy because I have always been responsible financially in sustaining the marriage. We have been living in the house I secured as a spinster, even after marriage because of the love I have for him.

Eucharia’s lawyer, Nwana had assured the court that the amendment was in order to make everything smooth. Subsequently, the case was adjourned till 23 September, this year for cross examination and further hearing.