Here is the latest instalment in the ongoing and raging war between the Nigerian and Ghanaian movie industry. A Ghanaian journalist has openly accused, among others, to fuel up the different between the two countries by publishing false stories and spreading rumours.

We, at NFC, being true to ourselves and our readership, have taken the step to bring you these accusations against us personally before someone reads this somewhere else and brings more wood to the already raging fire.

Here is the article written by Mustapha Ayinde Inusah.

Ghana-Nigeria War Must End Here!!!

”I will be happy if some Ghanaian journalists and Nigerian journalist will let sleeping dogs lie, because for sometime now, I have been following writers from Nigeria and Ghana sharing their opinion on the false rumors going round between Ghana and Nigeria film industry…,

…it surprises me so much on how they share their opinion with insults against each other, because all the publications mostly seen in their media are issues that were not discussed at the last meeting the producers had with the actors guild.

For Nigeria,I don’t know if they are trying to help both countries to solve the subject on board or rather are creating rivalry between the two countries because it seems they are behind all the false rumors going round in town ,after coming out with a publication that Ghanaian film producers have impose 10,000$ on the Nigerians.

Thinking that it will end there, they went ahead to bring another publication out that the Nigerian film producers have also replied Ghanaian film producers with a bill and that as it stands, there is no official letter out to prove that the Nigerian Actors Guild have also replied the Ghanaians.

Upon this rumour, the film producers Association of Ghana had to call for an emergency meeting just to clear the rumor to the Nigerians ,at that meeting, the film producers Association of Ghana did their best to call the president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, when he picked the phone, socrat safo who made the call on behalf of the film producers explained things to him but he sounded as if he was not aware of what was going on and asked Socrat Safo to hang up so that he calls him in a few hours

After they waited for a while without his call, they tried to call him again but he did not answer, an idea dropped that since Kofi Adjorlor was going to Nigeria to shoot at that time, he was asked to represent Ghana to have formal chat with Segun Arize whiles the producers fax, Email and also post a letter to the film association of Nigeria to explain the whole thing to them

I would not like to believe that Nigerians want to pay Ghanaians back because of the fake rumors they heard. I will also be happy if some Nigerian Stars like Emeka Enyiocha apologizes to the whole Ghanaian movie industry for describing Ghanaian as greedy people. I don’t think there is any greediness in this. If you are a celebrity and you are being asked to make a judgment on an issue concerning Ghana and Nigeria, you should always mind your words, because one day you will need the services of the other country

As far as I am concerned, this law has been in existence for a very long time but the Nigerians were always being considered till thy surpassed their limit when they used to come to Ghana to shoot and leave hotel bills behind without paying them which became a burden on the film producers.

As to how much the Nigerians are supposed to pay its not 10,000$ as stated by Nigerian films but rather 5000$ which will be given to them after .and for the actors, they are supposed to pay 200$.i don’t think any one can tell me that you can just wake up and go to America or to any European country to start shooting without any working permit.

So the fact that some Ghanaian producers have called the attention to the law does not mean they have anything against the Nigerians. But what I think the Nigerians should do is to rather call the film producers Union of Ghana and discus the issue with them since Ghanaian Film producers have already discussed with them some of the problems their people are bringing to them

And to the writers who are writing abusive words on some Ghanaian and Nigerian Websites thinking that will solve the whole issue, they should mind their language because that spark the war between the two countries

And finally to the Nigerian film producers, they should also find a way to come together with the film producers association of Ghana to meet amicably to let peace prevail in the African Movie industry.”

Source: Mustapha Ayinde Inusah/Attractive/Ghanamovie”