The abuja sheraton on tuesday november 2,2010 was the place to be as some celebs of note were inducted into the field marshal hall of
fame a.k.a road safety official.

We contacted the actress and asked her how she felt being honoured and this is what she had to say.

”When i had an accident 2005,in that split second i thought i was in a movie role and the director would soon say cut.when i didnt hear cut,i made to run out of the car,i put the other leg out but could not move,fire was everywhere,i jumped on the fire and got burnt and began to smell like roasted christmas goat.

There is no rapid response to accidents in Nigeria.people just gathered around me and were saying eeeyyaah its the actress but refused to come near me to help.

I agreed to become a field marshal so as to help in spreading the word about road safety and helping accident victims.There is no value for human life in Nigeria.

I just got inducted and will see how i can help in making things better.

When asked if she would arrest anyone that flawed traffic rules,she said

”I have been inducted and would arrest anyone i catch going against the rules”.

…So people watch out and make sure this diva does not catch you ..i don warn una oh!