There are many wonderful things happening in the domestic film market and I for one I am thrilled. But anytime i turn my head, I still see the yawa movies being made and the class-less actors still parading on our screens.

I feel sorry for who ever keeps going for Tonto Dike, Desmond Elliot, Mike Ezuronye, Juliet Ibrahim, Nonso Diobu, (sometimes Mercy Johnson and jackie Appiah) and all those other trashy make-up driven actors.

Omotola, Genny, Nadia, Ramsey, Nse, and some others are doing some really great movies and people like Rita Dominic are taking a breather to come back with classy works.

It is time we the audience fight for better movies. We must boycott the bad movies. let us boycott the likes of Frank Rajah, Ifeanyi Onyeabor, some new ones whose names I don’t know who made some foolish movie, thank God I can’t even remember the title.

John Dumelo. better watch out. You are making some useless movies these days. I feel so sorry for you. You are a good actor, I hear you are from a rich home so you ate not broke. How can you go from making a Shirley movie to making stupid nonsense of late? you should be aiming to work with the likes of Kunle, Leila, Tade, Ejiro and co. Money is not everything. You will soon become like Van Vicker the black sheep.

Chioma Chukwuka and her boring movies. Monalisa and her confusion. Uche is somehow well balanced. I have given up on Jackie Appaih. She has changed her color colors though. No more rainbows on our screens. I commend her for that. But for the useless movies. How can anyone act in a Shirley movie and then go back to work on foolishness? You went from John Appea to Shirley. you should keep climbing. aim to climb; go higher. Kunle, Leila, then maybe break out to south africa or other well done African movies. You people don’t understand why Genny is worshiped. I am not saying she is faultless. I have not forgiven her for Silent scandal. But she knows how to drop the bad apples along the way and go higher. Its not all about buying Range Rovers and dressing like an Indian. Unless you want to go to bollywood.

I say let us the audience boycott the bad movies. let us be the ones to call the shots. some movies we should not touch with a ten foot pole. Let us read reviews of the movies before we buy them.

You men should stop buying movies for who exposes more breast.