The much talked about movie ‘Anchor Baby’ Set to be premiered on 9th December and will be in the cinemas from 10th December has been generating comparism with earlier blockbuster movies ‘Ije’ and ‘Figurine’ amongst industry people.

A Nollywood movie producer who wishes to be anonymous said ‘despite the frontline actresses Omotola and Genevieve in ‘Ije’, ‘Anchor Baby’ may likely do better in the cinemas because the story line is stronger, it is unlike the everyday story you see in nollywood and Omoni Oboli was at her best in the movie’. Another actress opined saying ‘it is not all good movies that sell in Nigeria, the success of the movie is based on the market force and not all good movies have it. There is more to a movie than story and lead acts. The market is what’ll determine that’.

Shot in Brampton and Hamilton, Ontario Canada, ‘Anchor Baby’ the film that had its producer Lonzo Nzekwe chosen by the Reel World Film Festival as one of the 20 emerging film makers in Canada, has gone ahead to win two international awards. ‘Anchor Baby’ was first awarded as the best film of the year by Harlem International Film Festival in New York City and Omoni Oboli the Nigerian cast in the movie won her first international awards as best actress for her roles in ‘Anchor Baby also from Harlem International Film Festival. Although Ije won some international awards as well but not in high categories as ‘Anchor baby’.

Before and after its arrival in the cinema the fan base of Ije was less than 5000 on face book, right now the fan base of Anchorbaby on Facebook alone has grown to 8058 meaning the expectations for this movie is very high.

‘Anchor Baby’ tells the tale of a married illegal immigrant couple living in the US, Joyce and Paul Unanga. They have been ordered by the US immigration to leave the country by voluntary departure. They agree to leave; but only after Joyce who is 5months pregnant delivers her baby inside the US. This will guarantee automatic citizenship for their child. Ignoring the deportation order, the couple goes into hiding. Paul was later caught and deported while Joyce stayed back to struggle on her own to achieve their dream. The love, hope, pain and struggle that came with this decision is bound to stir up some emotion in you.

‘Anchor Baby’ had almost 40 actors with speaking roles and about 60 extras. The frontline actors in the film are Omoni Oboli, Sam Sarpong, Terri Oliver, Colin Paradine, Michael Scratch, Mark Cassius, Rachael Ancheril, Cyrus Faird, Santiago Lopera, and Chris Patterson.

With the huge publicity drive tailing the movie, people are beginning to conclude that ‘Anchor Baby’ may do better than Ije and Figurine at the Cinemas