Star-actress Chioma Chukwuka has every reason to be thankful to Emeka Ike, if not for anything, at least, the actor’s claim of playing an important role in her life.

Emeka recently revealed to HVP, how he practically begged Chioma’s parent to allow their daughter actualise her dream of making a career in acting. He went down memory lane, following what he described as his “disappointing encounter” with Chioma Chukwuka during the GUS Celebrity Showndown.

Still finding it difficult to come to terms with Chioma’s vocal attribute, few months after the reality show ended, Emeka is convinced that Chioma had beaten the finger that once fed her.

He believed, while the show lasted that Chioma was in a better position to display the attributes of a true Christian or “born again” which according to him, she didn’t.

Recalled that Chioma had earlier described her action during the show as “deliberate and part of my strategy and it worked for me because everybody sees Chioma as a quiet person.”

But for whatever reason, Emeka believe, Chioma had incurred his wrath and therefore deserve some honour and respect from her. Going by this revelation, if proved to be true, Chioma owes the play boy actor a sincere apology. Perhaps, she wouldn’t have attained her height in Nollywood today, but for the role Emeka claimed to have played in her life.