Nigerian dance-hall artiste, Cynthia Morgan is a controversial individual that is always in the news for one reason or the other.

The singer who really doesn’t care much about what people think or say about her has continued to do what she feels makes her happy.

When she started wearing a red hair, many saw it to be off and she was frequently tongue lashed by fans on how horrible she looks.

many never knew the singer had her purpose as she was probably trying to set a record no African woman has ever dreamed of.

According to the singer it was intentional even though she initially saw it to be scandalous but later got used to it.

In a recent interview, she boated of being the first African woman who has won a red hair for two year straight and she loves it because red hair means freedom and royalty.

In her words: “years back people who wear head was seen as demons, the career I am creating I legendary, it was scary at first but I am glad I embarked on it. I am the only woman that has worn a hair for two years straight. It was scandalous at first with all the tongue lashes, but I am glad I did.”

You never can tell, she might just be enlisted in the Guinness Book of Records soon.Lol