Seasoned film maker and Nigeria’s first producer of children’s reality show, Kids Alone, Fidelis Duker is up to something new. The film maker is busy shooting a soap opera Girls Next door, that is fast winning converts all over.

Aside good stories, Duker is banking on the charms of the four leading characters: Bukky Wright, Toyin Olokodana, Saphire Obi and Adeola Ajayi to carry the message of the soap across. The girls are hot, sassy and sexy. We present to you Fidelis Duker’s girls.

Sandra (Bukky Wright):
Sandra is the oldest of the girls. She is 35-years old, a banker who is the elder sister of Annabel. Her banking career is seen as an impediment to her settling down.
In her desperation to get married, she gets broken hearted often, as men keep coming but running away after discovering the nature of her job and seemingly success in life.

Annabel (Toyin Olokodana):
She is an undergraduate in her early twenties. She is a slim built beauty, dark and a talkative that is equally intelligent and daring. She considers her elder sister’s success in her banking career as something she can emulate. Always out to prove a point that she has arrived.

Darlene (Saphire Obi):
Darlene is a go-go lady who is 29 years and lives a careless life. She is not thinking of settling down with any man, rather she chooses to flirt with mostly married men as, according to her, with married men she’s free from heartbreaks.

Christine (Adeola Ajayi):
Christine is a decent lady who is 30 years and university classmate of Susan. She is what you can call a modern day born again Christian who is not overtly conservative in her approach to life. Even though as a Christian, she feels there is need to apply decency to life. She is always counselling the other Housemates.

“GIRLS NEXT DOOR” is a 52-episode TV series that centres on the lifestyle of four girls within the age bracket of 21-35 living as friends in the same house. It explores the intricacies of their different lifestyles while giving a broader perspective to the Nigerian environment.
Each episode of the programme (GIRLS NEXT DOOR) deals with a different subject matter and the story revolves around one of the Major characters (Susan, Darlene, Annabel or Christie).