In the spirit of further strengthening and propagating the Niger Delta cause, Icon Multimedia Limited, owned by youthful Ijaw born comedian and entertainer, Jeff Botimi Amusu, popularly known as Talkative, is poised to shoot a movie on the life and times of Isaac Adaka Boro, the late revolutionist from the troubled region.

Already, Talkative and his team at Icon Multimedia with offices in Bayelsa and Lagos States respectively, are currently discussing with their foreign partners from Hollywood, US and South Africa, in the areas of production equipment as well as technical support. “No doubt, it’s our story, which we have also researched properly on, but our aim is to have this movie shot by international filmmakers.

We want it so because we do not want to compromise on standards, which is our priority for the project,” maintained Mr. Kelvin Ebivwiere, the outfit’s vice president.

Also speaking on why he is documenting the life and times of late Boro, who is regarded as the father of genuine and modern day struggle for the emancipation of the people of the Niger Delta region, Amusu, has this to say: “Sincerely, having read so much about Boro, in the course of my researches on this project, as well as my interactions with his immediate and extended family members, it immediately dawned on me that he was not the kind of person, many people were mistaking him to be. Boro was a brilliant young man filled with the passion to restore freedom and expunge oppression from our region, but unfortunately, he was not allowed to complete his God given mandate on earth, before he was killed in his prime. Mind you, while fighting for our collective good, he never engaged in hostage taking, kidnapping and illegal bunkering. Together with his followers, they fought for freedom in the Niger Delta with a high level of diplomacy and caution”.

Continuing, Amusu posited that when completed the big budget movie would further reveal to the world, the stuff Boro was made of, adding that it would be an insightful flick chronicling his childhood to his eventual death.

Several leading names in Nollywood would also star in the movie, which is expected to be supported by some Niger Delta State governors as well as some well-meaning individuals from the region. When completed the flick would be premiered to a global audience within and outside Nigeria.