How to attain success in acting – Veteran actress, Ego Boyo

Veteran actress, Ego Boyo, has shared some ideas on how to attain success in the entertainment industry.

Boyo, who delivered a speech at the just-concluded reunion and inaugural meeting of the Lagos chapter of the 1986/1990 Class of Theatre Arts, Ekenwan Campus, University of Benin, held in Lagos, noted that consistency is critical to achieving success.

In her presentation, Boyo maintained that for an individual or a group of individuals undertaking any venture to remain focused, they must have well-thought-out and well-defined aims and objectives.

She said, “When I say that being focused is critical, the natural question is, what are we focusing on? The answer is very simple; we focus on our aims and objectives.

“This underscores the fundamental need to develop good aims and objectives to focus on. The point to note here is that most individuals and corporate bodies have lofty aims and objectives, but they fail in the long run. Why? This is because they shift focus from the set objectives. If you must succeed, remaining focused is very critical.”

She stressed that the environment could be discouraging, but with focus, research and consistency, success could easily be achieved.