Chinenye shares her journey to becoming a film director

Actress and filmmaker, Chinenye Ulaegbu, has shared her journey of becoming a film director.

The entertainer stated that her recently produced short film titled, ‘Mira’, was what she submitted as her final project as a student of the Delyork Creative Academy.

Speaking on how it came to life, she said, “The movie, which is my directorial debut was my final project at the Delyork Creative Academy. All the directors were given an opportunity to pitch a story about any theme of their choice. What they didn’t mention was that the best two stories would be picked for the final project.

“However, I didn’t need to be told that I had to bring my A-game to assignment, as I was taught to always be prepared. Eventually, out of the seven directors that pitched their stories, only two stories were picked, including mine.”

On what inspired the story, “It is gender-based film that preaches about the danger of early marriage in Africa, and how it has a negative impact on the girl child. This practice is widespread in many African countries, including Nigeria. I pitched the story to raise awareness about the importance of the girl child getting the education she deserves, and being whoever she wants to become.”

Ulaegbu added that she was fully involved in the process of making the film from writing the story to production, working as a set designer and costume designer.