Vanessa Gyan is one of the hottest Ghanaian entertainers. We saw her last when she covered the 2016 Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards with Jay Foley. As beautiful as she looks, she doesn’t like her small breasts. She wants to have a bigger one but she is scared of going under the knife.


There was a time she prayed to God to change her chest region; a prayer that was never answered: “the thing is that I’m scared of surgery. I’m scared of going under the knife so I don’t…I’m too scared.” She added “When I was like… In my beginning years of college, I was like ‘oh my God, maybe I should get implants’ but then I got to a certain point where I was like ‘I’m happy with how I am. Thank You.”

She doesn’t even like her thick lips too “There was a point when I was in high school, I was always like ‘I wish I had smaller lips because everyone around me had fish lips, really small but now I get embraced and people are like going to get injections and I’m like’ they are natural so yeah I’m cool.”