Music comes first before anything for Singer Niniola. Like many female artistes, she is currently in a relationship and she is dating someone.

This is a great news for most of her fans. However, no man an tell her to choose between her career and relationship.

She said “ I have been dating for a while now. It has been perfect coping with my career and relationship and I have had no problems whatsoever. My partner dare not tell me to choose between him and my career because he knows he would lose out,” she said.

How does the beauty avoid amorous advances from men? Well, she got the perfect answer for that . She said, “You would hardly see me outside my house unless I have an event or a performance. So, how would men have the opportunity to come and toast me? You would never see me alone at an event. So if you are not talking about work or business, I don’t really have the time. Regardless, some people still walk up to me and tell me that they like me. I am an introvert but people do not believe. It is only when I am working that the lioness in me comes out. I like to be by myself.”