The Nigerian government and that of the United States of America, (USA) have concluded plans to exchange cultures and values of the two nations through exchange of movie documentaries. This according to the two countries is to better the image of their respective countries.

In demonstration of this, the USA Mission in Nigeria in collaboration with the Abuja Films Village International will showcase five selected award winning American documentary films in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Kano and Lagos in August.

Cultural Affairs Officer of the US Embassy, Victoria Sloan disclosed this in Abuja yesterday during a press briefing where she explained that the overall goal of the partnership with the Abuja Films Village International was to make Abuja and Nigeria in general the world centre of film and entertainment excellence.

She explained that a better understanding of the images of the two countries as well as their cultures, norms and values are better conveyed through documentaries packaged by award winning American movie professionals, adding that the motive was also to dispel all kind of negative perceptions about the US.

Speaking at the briefing, the Chief Executive Officer of Abuja Films Village International, Mr. Segun Oyewole said that the collaboration would help to project the positive image of the country to the outside world.

He assured that his organisation would meet with Nigerian movie professionals to package documentaries that tell the true stories of Nigeria , but however lamented that the Nigerian movie industry, Nollywood has not shown the real image of the country to the outside world.

Oyewole while commenting on the problems associated with Nollywood said that despite being the second world’s largest movie producer, it remains at the bottom of the table in terms of revenue generation, due to poor quality of movies, directing, and length of the movies among other factors.

He however maintained that the Abuja Films Village International was out to raise the standard of film making in the country as well as help the movie industry generate foreign revenue