This is the story of two female Actresses Kemi Afolabi and Toyosi Adesanya, they were best of friends until recently.

Report has it that the two “show girls” presently battle each other over a male movie marketer over who the authentic girl friend of the said marketer is a situation which has turned the old good friends against each other as Toyosi claimed her friend,Kemi snatched her man.

Gist has it that Toyosi actually was dating the said marketer but introduce her friend Kemi to him, it was also learnt that during the period, the said marketer”spoilled” Toyosi with lots of gifts and affection and this could have been one of the reasons her friend was interested in the man.

However, when Toyosi got news that her friend is going out with her man, she confronted her but Kemi denied, saying there was nothing going on between them, until recently when Toyosi got a text message with description of where the marketer will meet her friend, she traced the address and caught her friend in company of her man and heaven was let loose as the two friends started a “show of shame”, the man in question however denied ever having an affair with Toyosi’s friend an explanation she did not agree with.

Although, the two friends has been taking on each other at locations and Kemi who has relocated out of the country has countinously denied the allegation.